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Instructors In Training Program

Develop your skills in the world of Equine Assisted Services!

Program Entry Requirements

These requirements must be completed prior to December 2022 or otherwise listed date.

Additional Documents

  • Must be able to ride a variety of horses at the walk, trot and canter, as demonstrated during a mounted evaluation conducted at the center prior to Term 2 of the Instructor-In-Training process. You must also demonstrate a thorough understanding of trotting diagonals and canter leads, regardless of Western or English seat preference.      

  • Must demonstrate solid understanding of stable management and horse knowledge, as demonstrated by catching, leading, grooming, and tacking a horse. 

  • Must furnish copies of current CPR and First Aid cards.

  • Must attend Justin’s Place new volunteer orientation.

  • Must be able to commit to a regular teaching schedule and attend weekly trainings as scheduled

Current Cohort Schedule Overview

TERM 1 - Winter: Observation & Online Learning

January - March 2023

  • Minimum 10 hours volunteering (Waived if currently hold over 50 hours of volunteering)

  • Minimum 10 hours observing lessons

  • Complete online Term 1 class on Disabilities & Equine Management

  • Complete PATH Standards Exam

TERM 2 - Summer: Application in a Mock Setting

April to June 2023

  • Minimum 25 hours of hands-on learning at the farm during workshops

  • Purchase CTRI Application from PATH Intl

TERM 3 - Fall: Application in Instructor Role

July to November 2023

  • Minimum 25 hours teaching lessons

  • Attend weekly instructor workshops as scheduled