Winter Horse Appreciation
What is horse appreciation?
This program is designed for staff and qualified volunteers to show appreciation towards our horses. Our horses are amazing animals that give so much to our participants every year. At our organization, we believe in treating our horses as equal partners in our work, taking care of them just as they take care of us. It is important to remember that horses can also experience back aches and sore feet like humans. This is why we have a dedicated horse appreciation time, where we handle them without any expectations or requests. During regular lessons, we ask a lot from our horses as they carry our riders, deal with stress-inducing behaviors and are handled by many different people. However, during horse appreciation, the focus is solely on the horse's enjoyment and playfulness. We want to ensure that our horses are happy and healthy, just like our participants.
When do we do it?
During the winter season, we find it particularly beneficial to have scheduled horse appreciation as it allows us to keep a close eye on our herd's health. This is especially important as the colder weather can often lead to issues like weight loss and skin problems. By taking the time to appreciate our horses and monitor their wellbeing, we are able to provide them with the best possible care and ensure their continued health and happiness.