Continuing Education for Volunteers

At Justins’ Place we love to LEARN and TEACH! In the equine world, you learn something new every day. Prior to volunteering, each person goes through an online training which covers a variety of topics. They then attend a 1 hour in-person training to try out their hands-on skills.

Once volunteers are active at Justin’s Place, they are invited to join in on continuing education opportunities! In the past we’ve welcomed an equine trainer for a learning clinic, had an online training from a participant parent and more! Check out this picture from a recent sidewalker clinic. Volunteers practiced being a horse, sidewalker, leader and participant as we went around the ring. Individuals were coached to alter their pressure of their holds, give conflicting signals and cause distractions. This exercise grows empathy for our participant and horses by showing ALL the input that they are receiving at once.


What an indoor arena brings. . .


Why offer non-riding activities?