Close & Far Activity


One of the concepts we try to teach our kiddos is what it means to be close and far. With horses, body awareness and spatial awareness is so important to remain safe. We use these activity cards to be a conversation starter or learning game. We’ll bust them out sitting on the mounting block, on a rainy day, or before working with our horse as a reminder.

Depending on the child’s level of learning- we can do many different things with these cards.

  • We can talk about which kid is closer to the horse and which kid is farthest

  • We can have the participant order the cards in order of closest to farthest

  • We can discuss what might happen if a horse kicks for each picture

  • We can discuss which kids are safe and which ones may be in danger

  • We can use them to compare what it looks like in real life standing that close or far to our horse

Thanks for learning & growing with us at Justin’s Place!

In Expectation of Great Things,



March 2021 Featured Volunteer - Madison


Meet Peanut!