Volunteer Appreciation


We COULD NOT do what we do without our volunteers!! We have a team of over 50 volunteers and each one has a special function within our mission of serving extraordinary kids!

Here are some things we do to engage our volunteers and make Justin’s Place an encouraging and welcoming place for them:

  • Birthday Cards! Our volunteers range from 11 to 70+!

  • Monthly thank you goodies: coffee, sweets & treats oh my!

  • Bi-Monthly Continuing Education: we want our volunteers to feel well equipped and informed! We provide free ongoing educational opportunities from our staff and other professionals in related fields.

  • Annual Christmas Dinner & gift

  • Monthly feedback forms

  • We celebrate volunteer appreciation week in April

  • Monthly featured volunteer

  • Provide Volunteer T-Shirts!

Are you interested in volunteering with Justin’s Place? We would love you have you!


2021 Featured Volunteer of April- Chelsea


Hear from Deb- Volunteer