Brush Sorting Game
This is one of my favorite learning games because it can be adapted for every learning level and can serve the purpose of
Learning categorization and similar vs. different items
Learning the names of grooming tools
Getting tactile input and differentiating by touch
Gaining coordination by throwing brushes into buckets
Learning to say the word or sign the words: brush, curry, soft, hard, rubber, and metal
How it typically goes is we label one bucket “Curry” and one bucket “Brush”. We go through about 10 grooming tools deciding if it is a curry or a brush. Then we label one bucket “Metal Curry” and the other “Rubber Curry”. We go through our Curry bucket sorting between metal and rubber. Then we do the same for Brushes between “Hard Brush” and “Soft Brush”. By the end most kids are very confident and able to label each tool while enjoying the physical and tactile aspect of this learning activity.
Ways to switch up the activity:
Make it a coordination challenge by drawing a line in the sand the child stands behind and setting the buckets out for them to throw the items into
With a higher learning level kiddo, have them blindfold themselves with a bandana and do the activity by feel only!
Have the child lead their pony and halt at each bucket to pick up and drop off items
Do this game while mounted practicing walking to specific locations and halting at the correct bucket
Thanks for learning with me today!
In Expectation of Great Things,